Financial sustainability

Financial sustainability

The working environment for our employees is the basis for a developing and pleasant workplace. A good physical, mental and social work environment is important to us at MerxTeam and therefore we believe it is important to continuously evaluate, follow up and set goals within the work environment. 

Our organization consists of people and our work environment must therefore be characterized by a good atmosphere, participation and creativity. We must work together for a stimulating work environment. Our values of care, respect and openness shall characterize and form the basis of our personnel work. 

To ensure that our suppliers around the world take care of their employees, we have been members of the Amfori Business Social Compliance Initiative since 2018. Membership means that MerxTeam has joined a code of conduct that all partners must follow. The code of conduct contains rules against corruption, child labor and issues related to the work environment. Through membership, we at MerxTeam can participate and work proactively to improve the working conditions that prevail in the factories we collaborate with. We believe in sustainable production and are willing to accept the price difference that arises for the factories that meet these requirements. 

Equality is fundamental to us at MerxTeam, which is reflected in the division of women and men at the head office in Gothenburg. The proportion of women is 54% and men 46%, which shows an even gender distribution at MerxTeam. From a social sustainability perspective, we work on several points such as working conditions, gender equality, health and safety.

Social sustainability

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Financial sustainability

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Head office / Showroom

MerxTeam AB
Galvaniseringsgatan 5
Tel: +46 31 50 67 00

Org nr: 556184-8556
VAT nr: SE556184855601

Showroom Stockholm

MerxTeam AB
Karlbergsvägen 18

Showroom Norway

MerxTeam AS
Strandveien 8
Tel: +47 93 01 88 30

Office Poland

MerxTeam Polska Sp.zo.o.
Ul. Jana Nowaka Jeziorańskiego 9 lok. 37
03-984 Warszawa
Tel: +48 22 811 20 68
Tel: +48 22 811 39 08

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